The author from Italy responsible for ‘My Brilliant Friend’, recently concluded its third HBO Max season. Initially, the narrative follows Lila (portrayed by Gaia Girace) and her childhood companion Elena (played by Margherita Mazzucco), two inseparable friends from a suburb near Naples. Their friendship is akin to sisterhood—intense, competitive, and affectionate.
As both women grow older, they remain close, but societal perception begins to differentiate them. Lila commands attention for her intelligence, audacity, and piercing wit, overshadowing Elena’s own merits. However, it’s not until Elena moves away from their neighborhood that she begins to truly see her own value. Dealdazzle would like to go deeper with the story.
Seperate Friends
The recently wrapped third season takes a new turn. Elena comes into her own, emerging from Lila’s overshadowing presence. Their interactions are limited this season, allowing for distinct performances by both Mazzucco and Girace, who were inseparable in earlier episodes. Lila seems unfulfilled in her stable but monotonous relationship with Enzo. Her life is hard—she’s employed in a factory and faces an abusive boss, all while raising a child. She’s envious of Elena, who married a compassionate professor, leading her to question her own choices.
Meanwhile, Elena gains recognition as an author and journalist, gaining admiration from diverse groups of people. Her transformation is even apparent in her attire and overall appearance, demonstrating newfound self-assurance.
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Their friendship undergoes a subtle transformation; they are no longer inseparable but still important to each other. Mutual respect and challenges define their limited interactions now.
Both actors express the nuanced changes in their relationship through subtle expressions and meaningful silences. Over time, the friendship seems like a latent crisis waiting to explode, a point even acknowledged by Elena’s husband, Pietro. As a result, an emotional distance starts to grow between them.
The anxiety of Womanhood
Every woman’s life is marked by a series of identity transformations, such as shifting roles from wife to mother. These transitions often create intense contradictions with societal expectations.
For example, Lenu’s husband, a professor, becomes increasingly engrossed in his academic career after their marriage, leaving little time for meaningful communication with his wife. The burden of caring for their daughter and managing household chores falls solely on Lenu’s shoulders.
Engulfed in domestic minutiae, Lenu loses her zeal and energy for writing, often questioning her own worth. The arrival of their second daughter further disrupts her life, leaving her so overwhelmed that she doesn’t even have time for contemplation.
It is during this chaotic period that Nino, Lenu’s childhood crush, re-enters her life. He appreciates her past works, encourages her to continue writing, and engages her in conversations about the latest books and social viewpoints. Nino even jokingly suggests to her husband that he should give her more time for herself, arguing that her talents are being wasted in the mundane routine of everyday life.
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